Do It Yourself PowerPoint Presentations



PowerPoint Tools

If you are creating your own presentation using PowerPoint then you will find these tools to help you enhance your presentation quickly and easily.

PowerPoint Presentation Enhancers
PowerPoint plug-ins and background images
Powerplugs image effects and transitions video backgrounds etc.
A site full of PowerPoint plug-in tools

Converters To Flash

We have tried many free and professional Flash converters and if you don't use animations some of them are fine. Unfortunately we have not found a free item that works properly with animations.


PowerPoint to Flash converter, fla, executables or for online Flash. Easily the best we have tried. It works and we have no hesitation in recommending it. (AF)

PPT2 Flash Pro

PowerPoint 2 Flash Professional. Good item, supports many animations.

Multi Media Power

We remember 20% of what we hear and up to 80% of what we hear,see and do.

Reading Slides

If your presentation consists of you reading your slides, one, or both of you is redundant.


Know that audience attention peaks at around seven minutes and rises again near the end.